It's pretty obvious that I'm terrible at this blogging thing, considering the last time I posted something was last October! I've been very busy lately and got to thinking about writing a blog with new recipes I try as well as ways to simplify our lives/become a little more "frugal". I was about to create a new blog when I came across this one and figured I would just start it back up again!
Life has become very hectic the past few months, and it's only going to get more crazy considering Fall is right around the corner. In March (on our six-month wedding anniversary) we completely lost our minds and decided to go out and get this little thing:
Her name is Little Kitty (how original, right?), and she has turned our house upside down. She's the complete opposite of Binx; always on the move, loves to play with/on all of the cat toys, feisty, brave, and LOUD. Little Kitty is constantly "talking", it's pretty adorable, and she does it so much it's rubbed off onto Binx and now he talks to us too. The two cats are best friends but Mika's still warming up to her, which was to be expected considering she tried to eat Binx the first couple months we had him.
On the work front, it has been very hectic the past couple months. I was recently promoted from Administrative Assitant to HR Coordinator (woo hoo!), so we hired someone to replace me. Well she was awesome and we became good friends fast, but she ended up getting a better paying job and left, leaving me to find a replacement again. Ugh. We finally found someone my boss liked, and she is starting this Friday which I am looking forward to considering I have been doing BOTH jobs the past two months. It's been pretty crazy!
The summer has been very relaxing with me and Tom mostly just hanging out on the weekends, but very soon that is all going to change. August 16th we head to Oregon for my brother's wedding! We'll be there until the 21st and the entire time we are going to be ridiculously busy. Wedding rehearsal that Friday(I am a bridesmaid), wedding on Saturday, Tom is planning a suprise overnight getaway for the two of us as an early anniversary thing for Sunday, Monday a surprise birthday dinner for grammi, then Tuesday we head home very early morning. It's going to be great to get home after almost two years and see all my friends and family that I have not seen since our wedding, because that's just too long to go without seeing all those special people. Also, my brother and his fiance had a baby June 10th, so I am now an aunty and get to meet my brand-new neice!
Anyways, the point of me starting this blog back up again is because life is so crazy busy, and it's only going to get busier. Once Fall hits, our first anniversary arrives, then the holidays start, and before we know it we'll be in March and that's just ridiculous. Not only is time flying by, but our world is about to get turned upside down. Tom is currently in the process of applying to become a police officer, a process that is long, tedious, and hard. We are really hoping that his dream becomes a reality and soon, especially since it could take over a year to be hired. Last week Tom had an itnerview with the town that is his number one pick to work for, and he passed! Next up is the background test on Wednesday, and if all goes well he will move on to the polygraph test, and if he passes that and the chief likes what he sees, fingers crossed Tom will get hired. Once hired, he then has to go to the police academy, which is a twenty-two week training program where he will have to live on campus Mon-Fri, and come home for the weekend. The next police academy session starts in October but as of right now the roster is booked, so if he is hired and cannot get into that session, he will go to the next one that starts in January. Before you know it we're in June (or April if we're lucky), Tom becomes an official police officer, and we can start seriously planning our future which includes babies and moving :)
Life is going to go from zero to 60 very quickly, so I'm trying to set us up for success early, before it gets too crazy. I'm getting my finances in order (student loans are a killer), watching our spending (especially when it comes to groceries), and trying to find recipes that are quick, easy, and healthy. It's important to me that most nights a week we eat in and eat something that isn't going to give us a heart attack. I'm also the type of person that can't stand to eat the same meal every few days, so I have started scouring the internet for recipes that will satisfy our hunger while keeping the calories to a minimum and keeping money in our wallets. Because eventually when we've got a little one occupying most of our time, I'm not going to want to spend an hour every night trying to put together a healthy meal ;)
Hey sweet cousin- was just thinking of you today in the craziness of the storm going on by you guys- hope you are safe! I would love more posts about being frugal!